Friday, December 19, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

What better way to ring in the New Year than with a new haircut! (Ok and maybe just one glass of Veuve.) I decided to take the plunge and go from blonde (well, to be honest, quasi-blonde) to card-carrying brunette! I was nervous at the idea of such a drastic change but by the time I had negotiated the almost zero visibility blizzard, first gear all the way, to to Downtown Oakville I was just glad to be sitting in that salon chair in one piece! There's nothing like walking into a fancy salon wearing snowboots and gators, covered in a layer of snow and knowing that no one is judging you. The weather was THAT bad. I know I know we Canadians love to go on about the weather but how can you not take notice when the only souls brave enough to go outside are suited up from head to toe complete with ski goggles? It IS quite a sight to drive the snowy roads alongside snowboard-wielding teens trudging along, determined to find a hill on which to practice their tricks. Only the beams of the slow moving vehicles penetrate through the foggy, snowy air; the streets blanketed in an ever thickening white layer, with a muted stillness that makes me think of the twilight-zone. Anyway here are some before and afters of the new "do." So far the response from family and friends has been unanimously positive :)


...and after. Ta-da!

1 comment:

  1. Cute hair :)

    I just saw your comment on my blog. Definitely don't need mittens here at the moment. It's been raining all day but it's still not cold out- just cooler than 43c which is a GOOD thing. Not sure if you've left yet, but enjoy yourself! Safe travels :)
